Monday, May 27, 2002

Sabtu, 25 Mei 2002

Hey hey hey, how’s your weekend? Mine’s quite fun. Before telling you what was fun this Saturday, I’d like to give you an interlude. Here it is…

Since reading Irene’s scream on her blog last Friday (22/5/02), I made a promise to myself that I must do something better for my lovely family. I intended to wake up earlier and have my rooms & (even) my house cleaned by myself. But yet, just when I was about to get out of my room, my mom knocked the door, screaming out loud: “Niee, bangun, susunya udah dingin tuh!” Hwalah! That’s not all. When I went downstairs looking for a floor-cloth, dad said: “Nggak ada apa² Nie, ini papa baru mau beli nasi padang. Mau lauk apa?” Duh ma, pa… -nggak tau mau ngomong apa-

Second intermezzo is an introduction about -r-. He was my colleague before moving to another company 8 months ago. Being an eldest son in family, he lives independently separated from his parent in his own house. Ok now let d' weekend-story begins...

After getting the room cleaned for an hour, I went to –r- house today, somewhere in South part of Jakarta. Since he couldn’t pick me up, I got there by taxi. And you know wut? The taxi driver was his office driver! Haha. Such a unique coincidence. Padahal tadinya gw mo naik 75 aja, tapi pas mau cari tukang ojek, taksi itu lewat dan nungguin gue, jadi ya udah gw naik aja. Emang udah rejekinya kali ya. Dan pas sampe rumahnya, Pak Sopir yg belakangan gue tau namanya Bowo, bilang: “Wah, itu temen saya mbak!”

His house is three times wider compared with my lil homy home. I can't imagine when first time he moved there last months ago, he told me that he lives there alone, at that big superior house, cause his parents live at their house in East-Jakarta. No wonder he asked anyone he knows to live there just to accompany him! Sampe boss-nya pun dibajak untuk ikut tinggal di sana. Haha. And now there’s still some rooms left idle, waiting to be occupied. Interested, anyone?
Yang bikin gue miris, kamar pembokatnya lebih besar dari kamar gue, karena harusnya itu termasuk kamar utama, pake balkon pula. Huhuhu –meringis miris-

After taking observation, the lesson begun. There we go, working with dreamweaver & Photoshop for about an hour. Hey, he’s a quite good tutor! Telath yah gw, baru blajar dreamweaver. Selama ini gue selalu ngotak ngatik langsung dari edit html aja sih. Kata temen gw kaya webmaster ajah, mending jago, hohoho. Tapi untungnya kan jadi gue hafal commands² nya, hehe.

Actually I cannot fully concentrate on the lesson coz every minute the street vendors passed by his house and my belly pet vermes are screaming for em! Haha. Padahal, I got my lunch and a glass of milk before leaving my house. Huh, wut a greedy pets!

So, after an hour, I encourage myself to ask him stopped the street vendor from the balcon. Plok plok plok *clapping hands* “Abang bakwan malang! Beli!” *tereak dari balkon* Hihi. Cluk kucluk kucluk, running through the downstairs, living room, terrace, and carport. “Dua stengahan ya Bang, dua.” Enak loch, meski kepedesan.

Dasar perut Melayu, udah kenyang ngantuk. Jadi males kan nerusin pelajaran, malah leyeh² di depan TV nonton Flintstones di Cartoon Network gantian sama Discovery Channel. Tau nggak, it’s my first time watching TV again since the last one month! Gara² TV kesamber geledek tempo hari, belom dibenerin juga, hihi. Lagipula juga males nonton TV kecuali wiken, udah kenyang mantengin kompi dari jam 9 pagi sampe 9 malem di kantor, pegel mata. Kalo bisa ngomong, mata gue pasti protes: “Eh NiQ, pacaran aja sama kompi. Gila lo ya, lo pikir gue budak, disuruh kerja rodi terus mantengin monitor 12 jam nonstop setiap hari?!”

-r- was eager to watch Spiderman at Plaza Senayan, but we don't know the schedule. So we checked it out from the internet at At 4.30 we left the house to Plaza Senayan, and arrived at 5. Again, he’s out of cash, so we had to queue for ATM BCA. Aduh itu antrian… Jadi inget acara² berita taon 98 pas jaman² krismon: antri sembako yang panjangnya sekelurahan. Blah! Kalo yang itu antrinya karena kekurangan uang buat makan, yang ini antrinya karena kekurangan uang buat senang². Dasar kaum snobbish hedonis Jakarta! Yah termasuk elo NiQ! *nyubit tangan sendiri*

We’re about to queue for Spiderman when a woman in front of me told her friend that the ticket for 18.30 was sold out, and only for a front line left for 19.30 show. Yeah, it’s weekend and holiday, no wonder the theater were “loaded” with school students. So we cancelled our plan to watch d’movie. Yah lagian kalo gue boleh milih sih, mending nggak usah nonton di sana deh. It’s not like I don’t want to watch the movie, but every time I watch cinema at Plaza Senayan 21 Cineplex, I feel disgruntled. Why? Coz the ticket price almost worth for an original VCD! Tho it wasn’t me who paid, tapi rasanya saying aja. Tiket buat nonton sekali berdua di sana pas hari libur gitu seharga sama tiket nomat berdua buat sebulan di TIM…Haha. Jadi itung²an gini gue. Ade ape?

After buying glasses-cleaner at Optik Seis, we had dinner at Hoka Hoka Bento. Wah, gue makan lebih banyak dari dia! Bener² deh, malu²in aja nih vermes. Terus lagi² gue ngebandingin, makan sekali di situ bisa buat makan 20 porsi bakwan malang yang enak tadi… Mwahahaha…

Abis makan niatnya cuma mau nganterin dia beli sendal jepit, eh malah gue duluan yang dapet sendal di Metro. Pas emang gw lagi pengen sendal putih tinggi 7 senti kaya itu. Baru abis itu keliling cari sendal jepit buat dia: ke Cherokee, Nike, Adidas, dan akhirnya dapet juga di All Star Universe. Harganya persis setengahnya harga sendal gw tadi, seharga tiket nonton Premier sekarang. (Cuma untuk sebuah sendal jepit! Kadang gue suka heran sama dia, kok rela ya ngeluarin duit lumayan banyak buat benda² sepele. Seperti hari Rabu lalu, gue nemenin dia belanja di counter Nike. Dia rela gosok creditcardnya untuk uang sejumlah hampir setengah jeti hanya buat one short and a sock! Celana pendek? Cuma buat olahraga atow dipake tidur di rumah…? Lebih mahal dari tinta berwarna printer jet laser Hewlett Packard?? Itu kaos kaki yang lebih mahal dari sendal gue tadi, Cuma buat diinjek² di dalem sepatu gitu loch…

Turun ke bawah, Metro Supermarket, nyari mug. Gak dapet. Beli es krim Baskin Robbins sebelum balik. Hmm… lima kali jajan es krim di sini bisa dapet satu pasang sepatu putih lagi buat gue… -ngebandingin lagi-

Pas gw sampe rumah dia masih nelpon lagi bilang makasih. You’re welcome. It’s not like I don’t enjoy my time with you, but… don’t you think the sum of money you spent today with me would be much better to be invested or saved for the future?

---===Snobbish Hedonist Down to Earth===---

Minggu, 26 Mei 2002

Jam dua pagi -b- telp. Gue udah nggak surprise lagi sekarang tiap denger ringtone no. 14, soalnya sejak seminggu ini gue ubah ringtone Nokia gw jadi no.14 untuk setiap telp masuk. Sekadar membunuh rasa kangen akan ringtone itu yang bisaanya berdering hampir tiap malam dulu. Gue rasa hanya itu cara bagus untuk ngilangin kekangenan: bunuh memori dengan kebisaaan. Misalnya elo punya memori yang dalem banget akan sebuah lagu, sampe elo gak tahan untuk mellow yellow atow menye² tiap denger lagu itu, yang bikin elo inget ke seseorang atau kejadian tertentu. Nah, cara paling tepat untuk ngilanginnya menurut gue gak lain dan gak bukan adalah dengan memutar sesering mungkin lagu itu. Kalo bisa lo puter tuh lagu 7 hari seminggu, 24 jam sehari, 60 detik semenit, sampe enek² mual² muntah² menc**t² deh. Percaya sama gue, pasti memori itu sooner/later bakalan ilang. Gak caya? Bisa dicoba. Tidak puas uang kembali, 1 tahun garansi. =p~

Balik lagi ke soal telp dari –b- tadi. Pas bunyi, gue lagi di kamar mandi. Pas gue angkat, tau² dia bilang: “Emang enak dibangunin tengah malem” Lah?? Siapa yang udah tidur? Wong gue belom tidur sama sekali dari tadi juga =p~ Maksudnya dia mau bikin gue kesel, malah dia yang sebel karena niat jahatnya gak kesampean. CuKuLiN! =p~
Dia nanya, “nggak ke mana²?” Gue bilang “nggak”, dia jawab “sama”. Ya maksud gw gak ke mana²nya malem ini, kalo tadi siang sih… ya ke mana² =p~

Gak ada angin hujan badai topan, tau² dia bikin pengakuan ke gue, bahwa dia udah mencoba jalan dengan beberapa wanita akhir² ini, tapi jujur, nggak ada yang bisa seperti gue. Meaning? “Ya maksudnya nggak ada di antara mereka yang bisa bikin gue merasa seneng seperti waktu gue jalan bareng elo.” Haha! Seorang –b- berkata seperti itu, can't hardly believe it! Thanks for your confession, I’ll take that as a compliment.

Now read these lines carefully, dear:
I know you as a very unique, special person. Your intelligence and self-confidence impressed me most. Since you are one of a kind, it takes quite some times for me to understand you. It wasn’t easy, but once I succeed, I can really appreciate you. How I wish people around you could give a try just like I do. Yeah, they got to know you better before they can really appreciate you. And to make ‘em appreciate you, there’s no other way than to appreciate them first. But how could you appreciate them if you keep that skepticism in your stubborn head? What can you do with that HUGE ego inside you to make ‘em turn their head on you? Keeping your nose on the air will only turn up theirs on you! How I told you for many times, that not everybody could understand you the way I do. So try to be understanding first before wanting to be understood by others. You only wanting to be understood without being understanding at all, that’s what you exactly told me, and you seem so proud of dat. You don't even want to understand the one who understands you most. Then go on, if you could go on. If you feel you don’t need anybody, don’t stop. Let’s see how long you can survive walking alone in this world.

As for our last conflict, I’m sorry if you think I was wrong, but I don’t think I’ve done anything wrong. I just told you that I didn’t waiting for your call, so what made you angry and sorry for telling me? Because you expected me to say that I was waiting for your call? That’s what you wanna hear from me? Hey I didn’t sleep because I'm reading this book, not merely waiting for your call! So where did I go wrong?

You told me you were sorry for calling me then I told you I was sorry for answering your phone call too. Patience has limit. I’m fed up and I’ve had enuff. I wont cut off my nose to spit my face. I tell you all of these here instead of writing e-mail because I decided not to contact you before you do. Sama sekali bukan soal gengsi, tapi ini buat ngebantu proses pendewasaan diri lo. It’s a piece of cake for me to forgive you and even say I’m sorry to you, but if I do it now, you’ll never take your lesson. Kalo gue terus²an ngalah buat elo, kapan elo bisa mulai ngurangin ego lo? Itu perlu, perlu banget. Your main obstacle in socializing with others is that over protection of your huge ego inside you. Now it’s a perfect time to start. Mulailah dari kata maaf. Kalo minta maaf aja lo bilang sebagai membanting harga diri, lalu bagaimana lo bisa menghargai orang lain?

I wont sweat this stuff if I don’t care about you. It’s for your own sake. In spite of your HUGE ego, I believe you are smart enuff to know wut’s rite & wut’s wrong and mature enuff to admit if you’re wrong. With all potential you have inside, I know you’ll be success in the future after having correction on this little-but-fatal disorder. With all my respect, I love you.

Minggu pagi, 10.30
Dibangunin telp dari My Savior. Wah, ternyata masih setia baca blog ini juga ya =) Pasti lagi senyum² sendiri tuh, tuh kan bener, woy! Woy! Udah boleh mingkem kok! Yak, gitu bagus. Hahaha… Nih liat, gue tulis gak pake bahasa inggris, biar lo gak repot² bela²in copy paste dan save di disket terus terjemahin artinya di rumah! Lagian, di sini kan gak bias right click, masa lo bela²in juga nyatet semuanya? Mwahahaha… Yah kan bener dia ketawa lagi sendirian di situ, hush, udah oi! So, udah kesampean belom pengen punya blog juga? Wah, terkena wabah demam blogger juga ya rupanya… Siapa sih sumber penyakitnya…? -clingak clinguk kiri kanan tengak tengok depan belakang-
Anyway, yakin nih mau resign dari mirc? Udah dipikirin bener²? Mmm… gath tanggal 7 Juni, ya kalo bias jangan di BC lagi dey, mending di tempat makan aja. Abis gimana ya, tuan rumah bc.crew-nya udah jenuh dugem juga sih… ;)

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