Friday, May 31, 2002

bLaH! aLL 'bout GUYS today!
1. Jam 2 pagi ditelp dan diflood sms seseorang yg dengan ngeselinnya cuma mau bilang kalo gak bisa tidur and kangen bla bla bla. Wuddehack, I dont give a damn.
2. Jam 2 siang di pv [*****]: niq, jadi pacar gue mao gak? Yea yea, another MIRC joke! :p Sorry if you mean it, but to me it's merely a JOKE coz it's juz IRC man!
3. Jam 12 siang sampe sore, chat with bacardi, and as usual, he's with his opinion, me with mine, try to accelerate it, dunno if it works. So weird, he warn me not to talk bout feelings but the fact is HE is d'one who started talking bout it! Anyhoo, I've lost him once as my guy n I was sorry 4 dat so I dont think I wanna loose him as my best pal now. Ironic, those guys above wanting me but the one I want most seems neglecting me. Still hoping someone will wake me up from this nitemare.
4. Thanks God for sending ^j^ around. He could be my next savior :D
5. Called my real savior and somehow he felt insulted when I said d'word childish. Huhuhu. Forgimme :(

No hurt feeling. I'm fine. Just fine. CiL, besok kita mesti senang²!!! Buktikan, kita juga bisa senang tanpa oknum y*reb itu! Mwahahaa... (Lagian bisa mirip bener gitu namanya =) Duh, turut berduka cita ya CiLL... :((

ps: Gila, liat, udah jam segini gue belom makan juga seharian! Kasian para vermes gw... Hehe. Ups, ada yg marah saya belom makan... *nglirik to someone* Ya maaph.. ;)

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